Azure CLI Notes
Khaled Hikmat
Software EngineerThis is just a note about Azure CLI login options.
Option 1:Login interactively via a browser
Option 2:The best way to login is to use an Azure Service Principal though. So I registered an application in Azure Directory i.e. AzureCliScriptApp
and assigned a service principal. I will use this service principal to login.
Create a service principal:Make sure you are in the same tenant that you want to authenticate against. If not, use 'az account set --subscription "your-subs"' to set the account.
To display the Azure Directory apps:
The above will yield the app id ...a big string that looks like this: e68ab97f-cff2-4b50-83d5-eec9fe266ccc
To login with service principal:
Useful Commands:List all subscriptions
Set the default account
List the Clouds
Kubernetesif you are using the Azure CLI to provision a Kubernetes cluster, you should use this command if you used the service principal to login
is the PowerShell variable that holds the resource group name
is the PowerShell variable that holds the k8s cluster name
is the PowerShell variable that holds the service principal app id
is the PowerShell variable that holds the service principal password
is the PowerShell variable that holds the k8s cluster desired nodes count
Refer to this doc for more information