Azure CLI Notes

Khaled Hikmat

Khaled Hikmat

Software Engineer

This is just a note about Azure CLI login options.

Option 1:#

Login interactively via a browser

az login

Option 2:#

The best way to login is to use an Azure Service Principal though. So I registered an application in Azure Directory i.e. AzureCliScriptApp and assigned a service principal. I will use this service principal to login.

Create a service principal:#

Make sure you are in the same tenant that you want to authenticate against. If not, use 'az account set --subscription "your-subs"' to set the account.

To display the Azure Directory apps:

az ad app list --display-name AzureCliScriptApp

The above will yield the app id ...a big string that looks like this: e68ab97f-cff2-4b50-83d5-eec9fe266ccc

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name e68ab97f-cff2-4b50-83d5-eec9fe266ccc --password s0me_passw0rd
"appId": "some-app-id-you-will-use-to-sign-in",
"displayName": "e68ab97f-cff2-4b50-83d5-eec9fe266ccc",
"name": "http://e68ab97f-cff2-4b50-83d5-eec9fe266ccc",
"password": "s0me_passw0rd",
"tenant": "your-tenant-id"

To login with service principal:

az login --service-principal -u some-app-id-you-will-use-to-sign-in -p s0me_passw0rd --tenant your-tenant-id

Useful Commands:#

List all subscriptions

az account list --output table

Set the default account

az account set --subscription "Mosaic"

List the Clouds

az cloud list --output table
az cloud show --name AzureCloud --output json


if you are using the Azure CLI to provision a Kubernetes cluster, you should use this command if you used the service principal to login

az aks create --resource-group $rgName --name $k8sClusterName --service-principal $spAppId --client-secret $spPassword --node-count $k8sNodesCount --generate-ssh-keys

Where: $rgName is the PowerShell variable that holds the resource group name $k8sClusterName is the PowerShell variable that holds the k8s cluster name $spAppId is the PowerShell variable that holds the service principal app id $spPassword is the PowerShell variable that holds the service principal password $k8sNodesCount is the PowerShell variable that holds the k8s cluster desired nodes count

Refer to this doc for more information